
11 November 2021 Discussion/Lecture Mute Compulsion:

A Marxist Theory of the Economic Power of Capital


Event location



11.11.2021, 18:15 - 19:45 Hr


Analysis of Capitalism


Book Presentation: Mute Compulsion: A Marxist Theory of the Economic Power of Capital
In 2021, Søren Mau published the German translation (Stummer Zwang. Eine marxistische Analyse der ökonomischen Macht im Kapitalismus, Dietz Verlag Berlin 2021) of his book Mute Compulsion: A Marxist Theory of Economic Power of Capital, the English edition of which will be published in 2022. The book is based on his PhD thesis.
According to Marx’s unfinished critique of political economy, capitalist relations of production rely on what Marx refers to in Capital as ‘the mute compulsion of economic relations’. In his book Mau demonstrates that this constitutes a distinct form of economic power which cannot be reduced to either ideology or violence, and provides the conceptual groundwork for a systematic theory of capital’s mute compulsion. He illustrates his theses with concrete historical examples.
Mau will present his main arguments, followed by a discussion. 

Date: November 11th, 6:15 pm till 7:45 pm via zoom. The event is free to attend, just follow the zoom link:

This is an event of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Schleswig-Holstein.
Søren Mau is a philosopher and postdoctoral researcher who specialises in Marxist theory. He is currently working on a research project about Marxism and the body funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.



Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein

Phone: (0431) 2607043