
25 November 2016Mission possible

Combating Violence Against Women and Girls in Middle East


Event location

Fachhochschule Kiel, Großes Hörsaalgebäude (Building C02)
Sokratesplatz 6
24149  Kiel


25.11.2016, 00:00 - 26.11.2016, 00:00 Hr


Selay Ghaffar (Parlamenterian Soldarity Party of Afghanistan); Shadi Amin (Iranian Lesbian & Transgender Network); Suzana Kamperidis (LALE - interkulturelle Beratungsstelle Hamburg); Tarfah Alfahdli (Kiel), Prof. Dr. Susanne Kröhnert-Othman (Fliedler Fachhochschule Düsseldorf); Dr. Huda Ali Alavi (University of Aden, Yemen), Anja Flach (Hamburg) and many others


Gender Relations, War / Peace



Violence against women and girls is a transnational and transcultural phenomenon and its elimination is a global goal. Although women live worldwide in very heterogeneous and complex circumstances, shaped by religious differences, local traditions, ethnic differences, and socio-economic conditions violence pervades gender relations across all social categories in many parts of the world. Gender-based violence is fundamental to the functioning of the patriarchal gender structure; however, in many cases existing gender orders cannot be understood without the complexities of the colonial pasts.

November 25 as the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women” is based on the date of the assassination of three political activists in the Dominican Republic in 1960, known as the Mirabal sisters. The United Nations have designated November 25 to combat and raise awareness of violence against women more broadly.

The two day conference opens discourse on gender relations in the Middle East bringing together knowledge for transnational gender or human rights activists and academics. It offers a forum for connection, mutual learning, solidarity and transnational feminist advocacy.

Die Federführung bei dieser Konferenz liegt bei der FH Kiel (Institut für Interdisziplinäre Genderforschung und Diversity), dem Gleichstellungsbüro der FH Kiel, der ZBBS und Create Future e.V., Mit dabei ist auch der Förderverein Flüchtlingsrat SH



Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein

Phone: (0431) 2607043